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When the Night Comes

When the night comes
I still weep my tears as the years go by
all the torment from the Nazareth House
nuns and priest abuse come forward
to haunt me in my dreams
waking me up while screaming with fear
As my husband tries to calm me down
Because I am shaking in horror and fear

When the night comes I have a cup of Milo
to try to ease my pain
But as I lie in bed
the demons come back again
Will I ever rid myself of this fear
As the Nazareth House nuns and priest
Are on my mind
and are always here
God help me!
calls out this little child in fear
Why! OH Why!
the little child cries,
why are they still here

When the night comes
As l lie awake in bed
I am tormented and in pain
by the evil demons
who haunt me yet again
If only for one night
they would leave me in peace
For the Nazareth House
orphan child in me
gives in to the horrid beasts

When the night comes
she is too fearful to sleep
Because as always her dreams
are of the nuns and priest
The little child asked
How much pain must I take
As I see the belt coming down on me
At night still in my dreams
Don't do this the little child cries
As she tries to wake  From her dreams

When the night comes
everything is so quite in the house
I hear my heart beat
which is bleeding and aching within
From the abuse of the
beatings and thrashings
the Nazareth House nuns had done
When I was a child in their care
still torments me
and the nuns and priest do not care

When the night comes
I have gone though life
with fear of the nuns and priest
the pain and torment they did
is still with me as well as their beast

When the night comes
I cry myself to sleep
with the terror and fear of the nights
while the little girl inside of me
crosses her arms like a cross
On her right side she must sleep
so as the devil will not temped her tonight

Copyright@ 2001 Ann Thompson

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