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Next to Godliness

The Nazareth House homes were the pits,
where our clothes were only changed once a week
I wet my pants a lot because of the fear
I had for the nuns and still I had to wear
my wet smelly pants for a full week.

I have read in the paper
that the Nazareth house nuns
were next to godliness with their cleanliness.

Now I ask you,
how on earth
can these men and women say that?
when they jolly well know
that our under pants were changed
only once a week on a Saturday night.

The Nazareth House nuns were so evil
with so much hatred and lies which they put on to us.
Why were they nuns at all? I don't know

It was them who were the devil's children not me.
They were the ones who put the fear of everything into me.
I have lived a life of hell because of the
Nazareth House nuns with no one to go to.

This is what they have made me, a nobody.
I can not go anywhere
and they torment me even today.
I can not stand the way they treated me
and how it is still here within me everyday.

I will go now

Before I get myself into more trouble.

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