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There Are So Many Tears

You know there are so many tears
I have wept and more
than often than not now days
I weep tears of joy,
relief of the removal of the anxiety,
pain and distress
of knowing that people believe me,
you can not imagine how that feels for me.

It is very hard for me
to talk in front of some one
because I can not stand it,
it is like when I stood in front of the nuns
As they said those bad words to me,
I see them there with me, that is why
I find it much easier writing it down
as no one can see me then.

I pray that someone
somewhere will whisper a prayer
to God on my behalf:
as I have lost my faith in the
Roman Catholic Church,

"Power to Abuse,"
Is the power of adults
to hurt Children remains,
I call out because of the pain I am in,
it is too great and unless you yourself
were treated the same way as me,
please do not judge me with your words

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