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Nothing being done about nuns who abuse Children

You don't hear about the Nazareth House nuns, or the other order of nuns run by the Roman Catholic Church. The nuns were violent vixens = very better women, with no mercy, who tortured children boys/girls every day and night. Children did not know what they were thrashed for and most times they could not walk away afterwards.

Why has nothing being done?

The abuse the nuns did to children boys/girls in their care, was just as bad if not worse than the priest. I can say this because, I was sexual abuse by a priest and what the nuns did to me had effected me for the rest of my life. The ways the nuns thrashed me over the bed with nothing on and also over the bench, was the way of getting their sexual satisfaction, so therefore it is sexual abuse. We had no rights and we were slaves for the nuns. The nuns worked us children from dawn to dark.

I would like to see something like this, what has being done about the sexual abuse by priest, to now start up, for the abuse the nuns did to children. As well as the sexual abuse the nuns had done to innocent children and who are still hunted by the torment they have carried though the years. Yes, the nuns have to face this, just like we have to come forward, so as we can be healed and say we were not bad, we were not to blame for the cruel and evil things the nuns did to us, we did not deserved the thrashings the nuns did to us every day and night.

Time has now come for the nuns and we must stand together like many men and women have done about their abuse, which the priest did to many children and who, one by one are getting their just deserts.
Take care

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