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No Body's Child

My life had being torn from me
while I was a still a child
I had nobody to protect me
all because the nuns said
I was no body's child

I grew up in an orphanage
that was called Nazareth House
Because no one wanted me
so I behaved like a mouse

No mother did I have
was what I was told
You should be grateful
and don't be so bold

My innocents was taken
By the nuns and the priest
Who whipped me until surrendered
hoping I would then have some peace
How can I face what is all hidden inside
If only 1 had some were I could hide

Nazareth House was always so cold
and forlorn
with iron bars on the big gates
just beyond the roses and thorns

If only I has some one to hold
to wipe my eyes when I was a child
If only some one took my hand
to show me I had some love inside

So don't look down on me
because of my birth
I was told that I was unwanted
because I was given away at birth

The life that I live while at Nazareth House
was torment and pain
which is inside
as well as the sad little girl
Who was so very cold
and a lone with no one to hold

The nuns and the priest
were working for God
but that did not stop them
from the abuse which they gave
to the unwanted child.

Copyright@ 2006 Ann Thompson

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