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Nuclear War 1985

 Let us all stretch out our hands
hold on tight all around the world
And each and everyone of us
Keep to his/her culture of their past
Conquer the world with love
Not nuclear power
For the sake of our children

Look what they can do to our
Lands, Air and Sea
They have just to press a button
And we are all gone
With no hope for our children

Did you see the fire out there
The lands all burnt up
The houses have fallen to the ground
The people are dead
And some are just walking around
What shall we do?
We have nothing left
No food to feed our children with
God help our children

With no home to shelter us
From the blast of the bomb they let off
No food or water
OH poor cruel world
What have you done to your children

Our children are growing up each day
To see them is a joy to share
Two at work, one at school
And little one has just begun
Let them live
Don't kill the world and her children

With our children by our sides
Let each and everyone
Go back to the past
This war game that they play
May soon hit us one day
So let us let them know
That Nuclear power has to go
For the sake of our children

Lets start now and put a stop
To Nuclear Power
Put the money into the poor
And starving people of the world
Not war heads for power,
wealth and gain
For the sake of our children

Please oh please hold on tight
Don't let go of me tonight
Our children are all safe in their bed
And safe in our loving care
God bless our children

Only when we act in a mass of people
For peace within our lands and homes
Will the world settle down
To peace and harmony once more
So we can take care Of the world
For the sake of our children

Copyright@ 1958 Ann Thompson

All Rights Reserved

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