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A Little Girl Cries on the Floor

These nuns and priest of the cloth
abused little unwanted children
all around the world
in the catholic church
Nazareth House homes

They left the little girl
with no love in her heart
as they whipped her
until she falls
and if she didn't get up right away
more straps were added on
until she didn't full

So the little girl cries out in pain
please do not hurt me
I will be good
but the nuns never did stop
for it went on until the girl was 24.

All that the nuns knew
was abuse of the tongue
they knew how to use those bad words
which tore at the little girl's heart
with so much pain

knowing that following the words of abuse
was the thrashings
and beatings across the bed
with three nuns who just didn't care
about the little girl crying
as she knelt on the floor

Then they would use the bench and the chair
bent over them naked
from the waist down
with the little girls dress
over her face
so she couldn't see the belt coming down
with such force
which the little girl
never forgot the abuse
of the Nazareth House nuns
behind the big brick walls

The little girl goes to hide in the church
as she things no one will hurt her
in the house of God
but when she was tired
a safety pin
was pricked in her bottom
for leaning on the bench behind

so the only time that she found was safe
was in church by herself
as she asked Jesus and Mary
to take her away
before the nuns abused her
once more while the little girl
sat crying on the floor

As all the children go to church
the little girl is pulled out of line
she is told to knell on the floor
to stay until a nun told her to move
so as she waits with her head on the floor
a nun comes with a stick in her hand
star to whip the little girl across her back
while she wets herself and cries on the floor

She does not know what to do
as she stays there on the floor
the little girl can not move
and hopes the nun will not come back
to hit her some more
so why did the nun pull her out of line
and make her knell down
on the way to church
the hit the little girl
while she cries on the floor

Copyright@ 2001 Ann Thompson

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